Respect for life and diversity
We will consolidate the Safe Company concept. We will have a global approach, based on respect for people’s diversity.

Focused on each of our clients
We will ensure that each activity or service is performed in a safe environment, with creative quality and fulfilling our promises. We will motivate the creation of value in our work.

Quality and compliance
We will promote our relationship and connection with each client as a unique challenge. We will work to make quality and compliance our hallmark.

Quality of life, taking care of our environment
We will consolidate the concept of quality of life and happiness. We want to enjoy our work, family and personal growth. We will consolidate the concept of Green Company.

Passionate, dreamers and innovators
We will consolidate the concept of an innovative company. We will continuously seek leadership in innovation.

To provide professional solutions in mining and civil works, generating sustainable value through our services and products, in the national and international industry.

To be a reference in the mining industry, through innovation, professional quality and sustainable culture.