Work Team
Leader Professionals

Cristián Álvarez
Civil Mining Engineer with a Master in Administration (MBA) from the University of Chile. He has 15 years of experience in large mining, covering specific areas of Mine Operations, Technical Management (blasting, geotechnical and geology), and Commercial Management. In his professional career, he has excelled in mining companies such as Escondida and Collahuasi. Since 2017, he has been a member of the board of the Asociación de Ingenieros de Explosivos de Chile (ASIEX).

Claudio Lechuga

M. Angeles Aguilar
She has 15 years of work experience, especially in the mining commercial area. Geographer with a minor in Architecture, and holds a degree with distinction from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. She has a Diploma in mining design and another in advanced mining hydrogeology, both from the Cámara de Minería del Perú. He also has a Diploma in Mining Project and Infrastructure Evaluation from Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez. Her major achievements have been highlighted through the leadership of negotiations related to Chilean projects and foreign investments, where she highlights her commercial impetus respecting local development and the environment. She currently belongs to the international group Women in Mining Chile.

Manuel Rapiman
Civil Mining Engineer with more than 40 years of experience in the open pit exploitation of mining deposits, with an outstanding performance in the planning, operation and geotechnical processes, working at sites such as Minera Escondida, Minera Alumbrera, Minera Dayton, División Chuquicamata, among others. Within his career he has participated in a wide variety of publications related to rock mechanics and slope stability, among which stands out the Large Open Pit Study directed by the CSIRO Division of Australia.

Carlos Troncoso
Mining Engineer, specialist in Drilling and Blasting. To date he has 18 years of work experience and currently serves as Project Manager.
He is an expert in risk prevention in the extractive mining industry, with Sernageomin Class B Certification. He has participated in the execution, development and analysis of several projects of evaluation, optimization and integral improvement of the entire drilling and blasting mining process, with emphasis on vibration damage control, full control and environmental monitoring. He has worked in several countries such as Spain, Chile, Peru, Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, among others, also actively participating in innovation and technology projects developed by GeoBlast and its associated companies, and has been present in several mining congresses, such as ISEE, ASIEX, Universities in Chile and Peru, giving technical lectures related to his specialization.
Additionally, he has served as Professor in subjects such as “Explosives” and “Blasting”, taught by the Mining Engineering career of the Technological University of Chile and as a professor guide in the Capstone Projects of the Mining Engineering career of the Universidad Católica del Norte.

Carlos Yauri Suasnabar